Because of attrition, officials say, that would mean net reductions in officers on the job.
It expects a net reduction in general government employment of 490,000 between 2010 and 2014.
At the same time, the company will add 1,700 jobs, bringing the net reduction to 4,100 people.
The net reduction is expected to be around 3,000 to 5,000 troops.
The net reduction in the deficit over those four years would be $325 billion.
As a result, the net reduction would be 10,200 out of a present work force of 243,000.
This would mean the net reduction would be 27 percent.
A net reduction in state tax revenue of $1.3 billion was reported that year, the survey indicated.
A net reduction of 1,300 jobs was also announced.
I think I can promise you a net reduction of two or three percent.