According to p1 of this net borrowing for 2009/10 was £145.4bn.
Because of the devaluation of sterling, net borrowings - predominantly overseas - increased last year.
Even with these significant investments the Group has no net borrowing and finished 1992 with £3.6 million of net cash balances.
This map shows the net borrowing between one country and banks in another.
The net borrowings of the Maxwell family's private and public companies - debt minus cash holdings - total nearly $4.5 billion.
The economically relevant deficit is the Government's net borrowing from the public because it competes with (and crowds out) private investment.
The debt is what is owed at some point, the sum of all past net borrowings.
Accordingly, the current account deficit must reflect net borrowing (and asset sales) by the private sector.
Its year end gearing fell to 32% from 22% with net borrowings up to £4m from £2.8m.
Most commentators look at net borrowing as the deficit figure, because it includes investment spending.