And, I have been the net beneficiary of that.
They give some back to the pot but they are net beneficiaries of the system.
In any case, even those who must contribute the most under the new law are net beneficiaries.
Therefore Hirschman says, "the projects that fall into this category must be net beneficiaries of external economies".
Let me remind you that Greece has been the largest net beneficiary of European funds for years.
A country with a large farming sector receives more money back and is thus a net beneficiary.
The amount the Danes pay in is not unfair, but our spending policies give them more back, with the result that they are net beneficiaries.
Germany is, physically and politically, the main net beneficiary of the European integration process.
I believe that those countries which are currently net beneficiaries from the funds will have great difficulty in accepting such a proposal in March.
We also are net beneficiaries, and have the best of all worlds.