Her mother's bed looked like a simple hexagonal nest, woven of leafy branches.
It was a bird's nest woven from twigs and vines.
It occupies the same breeding territory each year, and lays two or three eggs in a cup-shaped nest woven from grass and soft bark.
Ms. Stephens showed us earthquake faults ripped from the stressed-out earth and hawks' nests woven high into the towering trees.
Curved steel strips form an armature over which a plastic skin is stretched, like a tent caterpillar's nest woven around twigs.
The nest, often woven in an acacia, is spherical with a short entrance tube opening sideways or downward.
With the aid of my light, I discovered that no creature was in it, other than Ozara and myself; and high among the branches I made a happy find--an enormous nest, carefully woven and lined with soft grasses.
I have looked, but never truly seen before, she said, as he showed her the nest of a suribird, cunningly woven of lichen and spider web, turning it carefully so she could peer into the funnel entrance and see the tiny speckled eggs.