Whitney stood up too, nervously rubbing her palms against the folds of her dress.
Erskine, nervously rubbing his face, gave him a nonplussed stare.
The Southerner stood up and walked around the room nervously rubbing his hands together.
Mara rubbed nervously at the bandage that covered her injured palm.
Mr. Kronborg stood by, nervously rubbing his hands together and trying to think of something to say.
He rubbed nervously at his short dark hair as if trying to stay awake.
Wharton nervously rubbed his hands together but kept silent.
He began to shiver, rubbing nervously at his arms, passing his hands over his head.
Snow turned around, nervously rubbing his hands together.
During one conversation last spring, he spent almost an entire hour nervously rubbing his thumb against the same spot on his right side.