Traditionally, the fresh or dried whole plant has been used as a herbal medicine to treat nervous anxiety and insomnia.
Su Ping said, nervous anxiety making his voice rise slightly.
He suffered from nervous anxiety, he related, and was interviewed by an Army psychiatrist.
The blood flushed in Eliza's pale face; she rose, trembling with nervous anxiety, and looked towards her boy.
Many actors experience nervous anxiety before a performance and one of the symptoms of nervousness is nausea.
Rob seems to find a friend, and Severin progresses from nervous anxiety to happy elation upon the arrival of the band.
Both are aware of the other's nervous anxiety concerning whites.
He was looking about him now with nervous anxiety, searching for someone-probably Zyeme.
It was now November, and coming home in the blackout caused me a little nervous anxiety at first.
All that nervous anxiety you went through.