In postherpetic neuralgia, the nerve inflammation is caused by a recent infection by the varicella- zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox.
He retired in 2005 due to sciatic nerve inflammation.
Prednisone may be used for 3-6 weeks to reduce macular or optic nerve inflammation and can be started on day 3 of antibiotic therapy.
Chase tells House that the biopsy shows nerve inflammation, not cancer.
"It's the dose that makes the difference," he said, and large doses or chronic exposure could produce nerve inflammation, skin allergies or even cancer.
Years or even decades after a bout of chicken pox, the virus can emerge and cause shingles, a painful nerve inflammation accompanied by a skin rash, but not chicken pox.
The journal Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, volume 67, 1987, pages 42-43, reports the case of a man with acute nerve inflammation who met all the criteria for brain death.
The skeletal problems are characterized by scoliosis and muscle weakness indicative of the kyphoscoliotic type which follow muscle wasting and peripheral neuritis (nerve inflammation).
Early nervous system problems, such as pain and weakness in the arms and legs caused by nerve inflammation.
Found out thru Phys Therapy that it is nerve inflammation but I am still taking it nightly until I am fully recovered.