Prolonged pressure on a nerve, caused by extended periods being sedentary such as in a wheelchair or bed, or continuous, repetitive motions can trigger mononeuropathy.
However, the amount of destruction to the cochlear nerve caused by the typical NF2 schwannoma often precludes the use of such an implant.
Neuralgia is pain in one or more nerves caused by a change in neurological structure or function of the nerves rather than by excitation of healthy pain receptors.
It is used to nourish the heart and calm the nerves caused by "yin and blood deficiencies".
She could not feel her upper forehead because of temporary damage to her sensory nerves caused by the impact of her head against the windshield.
Compression of the nerves caused by spinal stenosis can lead not only to pain, but also to numbness in the legs and the loss of bladder and/or bowel control.
The loss of urinary continence indicated the severing of the sacral nerves caused by an injury to a mid- or lower-spinal vertebra.
Nonetheless, direct damage to the nerve caused by 4% drugs has never been scientifically proven.
It is called pseudoclaudication, or neurogenic claudication, and results from pressure on spinal nerves caused by a narrowing of the spinal canal.
Patients with ONH exhibit an optic nerve that appears smaller than normal and different in appearance from small optic nerves caused by other eye conditions such as optic (nerve) atrophy.