Of course, it is possible that they just are the collective nerdy kid waiting for the bully to kick his a-.
She was the "nerdy kid" whom everyone ridiculed.
"I was that nerdy kid at lunchtime in school who played chess every single day from the fourth grade through high school," he recalled.
Let the nerdy kids move on to coding.
Peabody launched up a hand like the nerdy kid in class who screwed the grading curve for everybody else.
Robbie Shapiro - a nerdy kid who carries a puppet named Rex Powers.
I'm like the nerdy kid in high school who wanted to learn everything.
The label is really about rejecting the image of conservatives as uptight squares - crusty old men or nerdy kids in blue blazers.
He was a frail, nerdy kid, bullied in 148 Sandra Brown school, picked on for being small.
She says she grew up a nerdy kid in a suburb of Hartford.