Nevertheless, they share many characteristics with the neighboring group 11 elements on the periodic table, which are almost universally considered to be transition elements.
Clearly the methoxy and hydroxyl rearrangement display clear evidence that the neighboring groups are not affected in the disproportionation reaction.
The Paquimé regional center must have had frequent problems with hostile neighboring groups, which explains the presence of many surveillance points in extensive areas.
A group that is forced to provide its own protection must ask questions about any neighboring group, such as, is it a threat?
A short correspondence in Current Biology details the first conclusive evidence that chimpanzees can gain extra territory after killing members of a neighboring group.
Meanwhile, the neighboring group of chimpanzees was no longer observed in the vicinity.
Both instructors freed themselves and hiked to a neighboring group about two hours away to call for help.
They can hear the call of a male vervet and recognize whether it comes from their own group or a neighboring group.
When males reach sexual maturity, they move to a neighboring group.
And all the while there is the pleasure of the stimulating company of that large and talented neighboring group.