The research finds that (including other external factors) San Francisco outperformed its neighboring counties in terms of job growth in the years after its sick leave program went into effect - even during the recent recession.
The city of Pomona is located in the eastern portion of Los Angeles County and borders the neighboring county of San Bernardino to the east.
The study found that St. Louis and its neighboring counties led the state, with a 69 percent increase from 1998 to 2001.
Executives from most neighboring counties have criticized the plans, with most calling for the closing of Indian Point pending a review of its vulnerabilities and security measures.
New York City and its neighboring counties lead the country in the comprehensive licensing of handguns.
Within Aragon its neighboring counties are Sobrarbe, Somontano de Barbastro, and La Litera/La Llitera.
In Oktibbeha and its neighboring counties, many farmers say they did not hear about the settlement until too late.
To the Editor: As noted in "Looking Beyond the Smog" (Oct. 10), Westchester and its neighboring counties, including New York City, rank "fourth worst in the nation" for air quality.
As a result, a large number of early Chinese Canadian and Chinese American communities had people who originated from Kaiping and its neighboring counties of Taishan, Enping and Xinhui.
There is also a campaign under way to create a tri-county hospital district, in which neighboring counties would contribute some of the financing for the hospital.