The Beaumont-Wilshire neighborhood is in actuality two separate neighborhoods separated by NE Fremont Street, with Beaumont to the south and Wilshire to the north.
In recent decades the neighborhood, separated from downtown by Boston Harbor, has lost land and homes to the sprawling airport in its backyard and the two tunnels on its front porch.
The freeway travels due north along this stretch, flanked on both sides by residential neighborhoods separated from I-590 only by sound barriers.
The uptown neighborhood or neighborhoods, separated from the city's lower or central business district, may often be residential, sometimes with particularly upscale or fashionable connotation.
In Milwaukee and Toronto, mayors recently removed highways from alongside rivers to develop and connect neighborhoods long separated by infrastructure.
The construction of Battery Park City to the west brought traditional playgrounds to the area, but it was still another neighborhood, separated by busy West Street.
Chelsea Heights and Westchester Hills are adjacent neighborhoods, separated by a municipal park, in the northwest corner of the Atlanta, Georgia suburb of Decatur.
In the 17th and 18th centuries it consisted of a number of distinct neighborhoods separated by open fields, each of which was under the jurisdiction of a different dignitary or official.
They had lunch together most days and lived in the same neighborhood, separated only by an alley.
The neighborhood of University City, separated from downtown Philly by the Schuylkill River, feels like one big college town.