Residents have complained about the lack of parking (and specifically the overflow onto streets) at neighborhood meetings.
In Iowa, a voter must spend an hour or two on a February night at one of nearly 2,500 neighborhood meetings.
"Teresa can talk to large political crowds the way women who are just getting to know each other talk at a neighborhood meeting."
Several small businesses that do work for the company spoke out against the bill at neighborhood meetings and news conferences.
Their monthly neighborhood meetings are open to all residents.
The public vehemently rejected this at a neighborhood meeting and the committee dropped its plans.
"We believe it was not just your local neighborhood meeting."
That is precisely the message the Mayor is carrying to neighborhood meetings.
Last month, Tribune executives appeared at two packed neighborhood meetings to talk, however hesitantly, about the company's plan.
Department officials acknowledge that some such officers now show up at neighborhood meetings in plainclothes, unannounced and unidentified.