The Baltimore Sun claims that HonFest is Baltimore's most popular neighborhood festival, attracting numbers in the range of 50,000 attendees.
The first fair was held on in August 2010 at a neighborhood festival, Columbia Heights Day, and had 11 competitions.
Asked if he should wait to see if the boat floats, when it is launched during a neighborhood festival in the spring, Jeffrey grew insistent.
After that he took a short nap in the front passenger seat of his Jeep as it inched through the narrow streets of Chinatown toward a neighborhood festival.
We have block parties and neighborhood festivals, and committees dealing with different issues.
However, this only served to make the dance more popular as a form of protest and rebellion, with people holding illegal dances in public squares and neighborhood festivals.
Dundee annually hosts the Dundee Days, featuring a neighborhood festival and dance showdown.
Street Festivals - free neighborhood festivals take place from Memorial Day to Labor Day, with music, bounce houses, balloon animals and face painting.
The PDNA objective is to sponsor a variety of projects such as neighborhood festivals, block parties, town hall meetings, crime prevention activities and upgrading neighborhood parks.
It may be women leaders, churches, neighborhood festivals or block and civic associations or schools and work place friendships.