Many of these businesses are Persian, reflecting the neighborhood demographics.
At La Palette, on the second floor of a low-rise commercial building near Shimo Kitazawa station, late-afternoon customers reflect the neighborhood demographics.
Depending on neighborhood demographics, it may indeed be cheaper for Comcast et al to hand out digital cable set-top boxes to each household instead, at $150 per box.
And the neighborhood demographics remain delicious for retailers.
Census demographers look for clues to make such determinations, checking to see whether relatives are listed in standard racial categories and checking neighborhood demographics.
The interest comes from the rising prices of brownstones cited by the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce and changing neighborhood demographics.
Utility main--here, telephone switching--here, typical neighborhood demographics, maybe a little older population than you'd expect.
The potential buyer would also be able to request reports on neighborhood demographics, schools, environmental issues and comparable home sales, the patent says.
This evening's repast, at Roberto's, with its pictures of Salerno on the walls, began with a lesson in neighborhood demographics.
The neighborhood demographics were unforgiving.