The neighborhood likewise attracted a wittier class of street beggars than was customary in the city.
In the late 1960s people began to redevelop the hilltop, the neighborhood attracted many downtown workers, who wanted to live near their work.
The neighborhood was the setting for some of his films and has since attracted other directors.
Zoning Deadline The neighborhood has attracted virtually every major developer in the city.
The neighborhood attracted wealthy businessmen from Manhattan, who built Victorian houses for $2,500 and $5,000.
This neighborhood doesn't exactly attract the crowd who buys off the street.
The neighborhood attracted new immigrants rather than old money.
Mr. Berley also said the neighborhoods had been attracting gangs.
The neighborhood attracted a broad cross-section of punks, artists, and musicians.
By the turn of the 21st century, the neighborhood had attracted a large community of college-educated professionals, political activists and artists.