Three days later, Mehmet's neighbor knocked on his door.
I picked up the phone and had dialed the express company when a neighbor knocked at the door.
Then our neighbor knocked on the door and told us what happened.
He felt depressed, so that some days he couldn't get up to answer the door when neighbors knocked.
It wasn't as though anybody but neighbors ever knocked on anybody's doors up in Park County.
Last week a neighbor knocked on my door late, maybe nine o'clock.
Sometimes a neighbor will knock on the door and leave the sack outside for the children to retrieve; this varies per family.
She sat at home, sad and hungry, when a neighbour knocked at the door.
When you start getting the hang of it, a neighbor will knock on your bedroom door and check you out.
A neighbor knocked on the door and told her they had to get out immediately because the building was taking on water.