She was elderly and neighbours claimed she rarely left her house or had visitors.
And the neighbors claim that there was never a house there.
Although neighbors claim to have called the police about suspicious activity observed at the home, police say they have no record of any such calls.
One neighbor claims that he's had four Kerry posters taken in the past few weeks.
However, according to an article in the March 24, 1994 issue of Rolling Stone, neighbors claimed that the family did not have cable television.
But in the early morning hours yesterday, neighbors, lovers, out-of-towners, marijuana smokers and others claimed sections of the park.
Elaine's neighbor claims you were up here at Christmas and the two of you had a big fight.
The neighbors claimed that earlier this year, the church had agreed to rent its space to other groups only on Friday evenings and Sunday afternoons.
At face value, neighbors will claim him to be very smart, handsome, and upwardly mobile.
Your neighbors will claim it was quiet until we drove up.