During the trip, demonstrations were scheduled in specific hot spots, showing autonomous vehicles following given routes, negotiating traffic, avoiding obstacles, and stopping when required.
Little Al made his first pit stop oat Lap 23, a bit earlier than the leaders who were negotiating traffic.
They have learned how to negotiate traffic, listen for human voices and eat rats.
While negotiating traffic, Eve glanced at her partner.
"Just because it's a tank doesn't mean you're going to be able to negotiate traffic."
A quick shopping trip easily turns into an hour of negotiating sludge-like traffic and searching for a parking space.
Her gaze slid sideways to give him a quick look as she negotiated heavy traffic.
Negotiating traffic, shivering as her car heater offered a tepid puff of air around her toes, Eve checked in.
This forces drivers to use strong mental discipline in negotiating traffic.
They are useful for negotiating the small streets and heavy traffic in the large urban areas of Japanese cities.