We need to look to negotiate bilaterally, in the same way that Switzerland does, to protect our interests.
The European Union is upset because Washington is negotiating bilaterally with Poland and the Czech Republic about something that affects Europe as a whole.
Japan also negotiated bilaterally with countries on economic matters of mutual interest.
Washington has insisted just as firmly that the problem is a matter for the international community, and not one that the Bush administration is willing to negotiate bilaterally.
With the Finns, the Soviets negotiated bilaterally.
For that can only be to the benefit of future negotiations and future agreements which we will be negotiating and deciding bilaterally.
The American administration's strategy in seeking to negotiate bilaterally with EU Member States does not surprise me.
The European Union should insist on this in talks within the WTO framework and when negotiating bilaterally with third countries.
The EU has consistently supported both Israel and the Palestinians by giving them the time and space to negotiate bilaterally.
Britain, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal all have different VERs - all negotiated bilaterally - on Japanese cars.