In earlier decisions, the Court made clear that negligence or misdeeds by individual employees would not ordinarily lead to municipal liability.
At 4.9 million barrels, that means that the total fine could be $5.4 billion - and, if gross negligence led to the spill, $21 billion.
In "Product Recall", his negligence leads to paper being sent out with an obscene watermark.
The negligence of the pit bull's owner directly led to a death.
I doubt any criminal intent, but negligence combined with parsimony has led to a situation in which the company could find itself in serious trouble.
It is said that negligence in that matter can lead to a domino effect.
By this time he had appointed a lieutenant to suppress piracy, whose negligence had led to an increase in their activity.
If negligence led to damages, an action could be had.
"Why should my client's family fear financial ruin when the city's negligence led to this?"
Past negligence led to the outbreak of high-mindedness that threatened to engulf the nation after Sept. 11.