Businesses often place such warnings to avoid negligence charges brought by people on their property.
Apart from the miserly compensation on offer how about those responsible facing the criminal courts on negligence charges.
The jury deliberated for two hours before finding Sergeant Turnell guilty of the negligence charge.
The negligence charges relate to 71,302 batches of plasma distributed to more than 50 hospitals.
In the event of loss of life, criminal gross negligence charges are possible.
He pled guilty to speeding and paid a $828 fine on March 30, 2009; in return, the negligence charge was dismissed by prosecutors.
The 1981 accident, which left two dead and another seriously injured, led the Los Angeles City Attorney's office to file criminal negligence charges.
"I don't know how you defend a negligence charge if most of the trustees are dead," he said.
The state was considering negligence charges against him - the second set of allegations against him in three years.
"People can't accept the idea that a 84-year-old grandmother gets shot in her bed and it's not even worth a negligence charge," Mr. Mellontree said.