Unfortunately, negative karma cannot simply be destroyed, it must be atoned for.
You may opt for a very difficult incarnation to counterbalance your negative karma.
Simply touching a prayer wheel is said to bring great purification to negative karmas and obscurations.
For users with a negative karma, comments are text-only, and their rate is limited to one per 5 minutes.
Rather, they remain there until their negative karma is used up, at which point they are reborn into another realm.
When they accumulate negative karma, they are reborn as either human or any of the other lower beings.
A year ago, he added, "there was this really negative karma around the newspaper stocks, even though business was good."
A very evil character will have negative karma.
Someone else's jewelry carries all of that person's negative karma; the jewelry cannot be put on directly.
We produce negative karma because we lack knowledge and clarity.