A negative interpretive bias will in turn affect a person's behavior toward his or her partner.
Analysts expect the market will continue to trade with a negative bias and little change ahead of Friday's employment report.
However, those two estimators did not show such negative bias with the lognormal distribution (Figure 4e).
The negative bias in the market is likely to continue into September, and yields on 30-year bonds could climb to 9.5 percent.
The electrons can be removed again by applying a negative bias on the control gate.
Removes negative and positive bias for state and private schools respectively.
Stocks closed mixed yesterday but with a slight negative bias.
The negative bias in the market was apparent as 995 stocks declined on the Big Board, while only 606 issues rose.
His confrontation with defense lawyers reignited their protests that he had demonstrated a negative bias toward them.
And I have a little bit of a negative bias with prices at these levels.