The songs of Soopa Villainz center thematically on nefarious actions conducted by comic book supervillains.
Between now and then, Stacks Lodi planned nefarious action.
In the "Hot Hands" vignette, the nefarious actions of men are symbolized as a pair of rough, distorted hands that embrace Salander's face, melting it.
And if you ignore people in the streets for too long, if you think they aren't noticing the corrupt and nefarious actions of their leaders, then you're going to be surprised.
The result of the American scab's nefarious actions will be to strike at the food and shelter of Europe.
The move will hopefully prevent NGOs from falling victim to "nefarious actions taken in the guise of anti-piracy enforcement", Mr Smith wrote.
It's hard to reduce the plot to the nefarious actions of a handful of men running mammoth corporations with obscene profits.
Is it missing because of poor accounting practices, or because of nefarious actions by a person or persons at MF Global?
Some of the people behind these attacks will be found out though, and I hope they will be prosecuted and serve time for their nefarious actions.
Bedderwick Walker was not my only concern, and at this period I became increasingly involved with a lawsuit pending over the nefarious actions of a certain Foreign Affairs Minister of a certain African state.