A small share of the profits from the store are to go toward helping needy women.
I imagined those poor needy women desperately eager for the post and fearing to do anything that might mean losing it.
Michael's noble service to needy women or the exploitation of them?
Ms. Marrero heard about a city program for needy women that offered "odd jobs in offices, to get a little knowledge."
"Looks like the Creator has provided for this needy woman by sending us to help her."
Who will pay for cervical cancer prevention for the neediest women and girls?
Having lost her family in the Rapture, she was suddenly a lonely, needy woman.
The organization provides information about prenatal health and literacy programs to needy pregnant women.
"In these troubled times, when women's right to choose is being fought, please use this donation to help a needy woman."
In many ways risotto is like a needy woman.