The Regents have recommended increasing the state education budget by $885 million for the coming year, especially targeting the neediest districts.
The money, about $160 million, is modest compared with the $4.18 billion that the state distributed to 31 needy districts last year.
"But we will do it by building up needy districts, not by tearing down good ones."
But all the facts are not there, because at the same time we've been designated as the one of the state's neediest districts.
In theory, the neediest districts get the most aid.
But she seems the better choice, based on her ability to deliver for this needy district.
New York's leaders face a judicial mandate to reform the way the state supports local schools, putting more money into the neediest districts.
Such a proposal must not be written to let states take money away from their neediest districts.
She pledged to squeeze out more for needy districts from the existing budget.
About $138 million would go the state's 30 neediest districts.