I'm not going to stand by while lives are lost needlessly.
Five years ago when there was a similar food crisis in Niger the donors left it too late, lives were needlessly lost and the cost of the humanitarian operation soared.
The report, titled A Dangerous Delay, said that malnutrition had crossed the danger threshold in early 2011, meaning lives were needlessly lost for at least six months.
"It's long overdue that familial hypercholesterolaemia services come up to scratch to stop lives across the UK being needlessly lost."
That amounts to scores of needlessly lost lives - hundreds if Army deaths attributable to inadequate armor are counted as well.
Destroy me, and all I have is needlessly lost.
Knowing that a small, helpless, innocent life was needlessly lost . . ." She shrugged eloquently.
"We're not strong enough yet, lives could be lost needlessly in an attack on Marshank."
Yet lives are still being needlessly lost because those rules do not apply to coach passengers.
Wilson's final idea was to fill the ship with cork which Young predicted would block the salvage pumps and the "battleship was lost needlessly".