And needlessly exposing patients to risky procedures can hardly be considered better care.
"I am authorized to prevent the commanding officer from needlessly exposing himself to risk."
Giving anesthesia to the fetus could be difficult and would needlessly expose the pregnant woman to additional risks, he said, adding, "Policy decisions should be based on evidence, scientific evidence, not our emotional beliefs."
I only meant that, as one of our leaders, you shouldn't needlessly expose yourself to danger.
Removing undisturbed asbestos from schools and other buildings could needlessly expose the removal workers to cancer, scientists say.
The stage is then set for repetitive herbiciding, a method that will inevitably fail, while needlessly exposing people and wildlife to pesticides.
Mr. Greenberg argues that duplicating the experiment around the country needlessly exposes additional families to potential harm.
His claims were not always believed, and these personal operations were a waste of time, which needlessly exposed him to danger.
To needlessly expose it now, when it doesn't seem necessary-" "I'll be the judge of what's necessary and what's not.
A union study claims that violations of safety precautions against AIDS and hepatitis B are needlessly exposing thousands of workers at private hospitals and nursing homes in the New York City region.