It has needless complexities and touchback mechanisms.
This is exactly the sort of needless complexity it was the genius of the Eameses to cut through.
There is too much needless complexity in the world, he argues.
The three chemicals used in lethal injections in about 35 states have long attracted attention for what critics say is their needless and dangerous complexity.
People slip in and out of dream and thought sequences with an irritating and needless complexity.
The plan, later criticised for its size and needless complexity, contained orders to shackle prisoners.
An exception is the optional navigation system, which adds layers of needless complexity to tasks that should be simple, like changing radio stations.
In the battle to rid personal computing of needless complexity, Sun Microsystems recently announced a new network computing technology.
You can also count us among the ambivalent about adding a camera to the iPod nano-it just seems to add needless complexity to the svelte device.
With its own interface and its own peculiar ways, Warp adds needless complexity and a needless learning curve.