The 74th could go no farther, not without taking needless casualties, and so Wellesley halted them.
He might genuinely argue, for example, that the most useful support for American troops is to spare them needless casualties in unwise battles.
The relief must be noiseless, otherwise the enemy can break up the movement and cause needless casualties simply by opening fire.
This was a typical example of 18th-century warfare that more than modern warfare was aimed at avoiding needless casualties.
Easy Company was taking needless casualties.
Never before had he been hung out to dry for so long, taking so many needless casualties.
The same tactics applied in South Africa resulted only in needless casualties.
This leapfrog technique worked well and eliminated the needless casualties that would result in mopping up every Japanese-held island.
But neither should we, nor do we have to, tolerate the needless casualties of drug prohibition.
The reinforcements were so poor that the generals decided against using them, to avoid needless casualties.