In the sitting room, he proudly exhibited the blue needlepoint rug with birds, flowers and Chinese symbols that his wife worked on for a decade.
There are needlepoint rugs, custom cabinets with a sage-green finish, wicker tables and a gallery of family photographs.
One of her projects, an 81-square-foot needlepoint rug, took her nine years to complete.
There was a small needlepoint rug too, one I had never been able to find a room for.
The Bessarabian-style needlepoint rug was made in Portugal.
The room is a virtual bower of roses, with a rose pattern on almost everything, including the needlepoint rug.
She makes her own needlepoint rugs and paints the wallpaper herself.
It is believed to be the largest needlepoint rug ever made in America by an individual.
A needlepoint rug originally purchased for the old living room, for example, now covers the floor of the present dining room.
And labor-intensive needlepoint rugs, usually measuring 3 feet by 5 feet, are also popular with stitchers.