Their bite feels like very small needle punctures, but does not do any lasting damage.
Ordinarily, getting the answer would have required a series of large needle punctures and a tissue analysis that would take one or two days.
By using spray injectors they could fill him full of a dozen different drugs without leaving a single needle puncture.
There is a possibility of side effects and complications from the procedure, needle puncture, and medications used.
When she came to work at Maimonides 10 years ago, such needle punctures were a painful inconvenience.
Among them, 17 were infected by needle punctures.
I can picture his arms, the veins a highway of needle punctures and bruises.
The white skin was covered all ovei with needle punctures.
There was only a needle puncture in the center of her palm, hardly any blood, but it hurt.
"Or perhaps some past medical history that would account for multiple needle punctures?"