As long as there are wars, there will always be a profit-minded few whose fortunes are made by ministering to the needs of war.
The French reformed the economy in order to serve the administration and to meet the needs of war, because they were being invaded themselves.
When set against the needs of war, luxury was nolonger practical.
The needs of war, however, were clear cut.
In England, the needs of war (in terms of money and provisions) provoked a considerable crisis in the years 1338-41.
"No need of war," I agreed.
The Athenian assembly was an unwieldy body, ill adapted to the needs of war.
These horses were usually stallions, bred and raised from foalhood specifically for the needs of war.
Its economy was driven entirely for the needs of war and took some time to be reorganised for peaceful production.
Unlike his brother Francis, his temper and poor health were poorly suited to the needs of war.