One Sunday, I was at work as usual, when I got a call from a vice president of Citibank who needed a program in two weeks to take to Japan.
Though that seems promising, according to the CDC's recommendations, my daughter will need another booster shot in four weeks.
Even if your child seems well, he or she may need a follow-up visit in about 4 weeks, especially if your child is young.
We'll need them in two weeks.
I need you not only in two days and two weeks, I need you in two days and eight weeks.
We're going to need her later-like in two weeks.
If one day they have a job lot of something you might need in six weeks, do not assume you can return then and get it.
And they needed it, late in February, five weeks or thereabouts after Windrip's election.
"We needed an hour and 54 minutes of music in six weeks and I had to get a battalion together to do it."
We don't need guys in two weeks.