The Butterfly House also has nectar plants for food and host plants for egg-laying and caterpillar feeding.
The females visit different nectar plants and are especially fond of thyme.
Here is a list of some of the flowers that the Variegated Fritillary uses as nectar plants:
Adult Monarchs have been seen on a number of different nectar plants.
Ledum palustre is the preferred nectar plant of the adult butterflies.
Though short lived, the adults must find the proper nectar plants so they can stick their long tongue or proboscis down into the flower.
The flowering plants in the garden are nectar plants.
A sheltered, sunny area with lots of nectar rich plants is ideal.
The butterfly ranges forth in search of its host and nectar plants.
Necklacepod is a nectar plant for bees, butterflies, and in parts of the Americas hummingbirds as well.