The information has "the necessary degree of confidence about it"
A week of 70-degree weather usually warmed the soil to the necessary 58 degrees, but that alone didn't mean the time was right for planting.
We will protect our interests to the necessary degree.
She carried herself with confidence, her small chin raised just the slightest degree necessary to keep others at a comfortable distance.
That should remain, as it currently is, shrouded in a necessary degree of secrecy.
But how could the warring states of Europe be persuaded to abandon national sovereignty to the degree necessary to make collective security a reality?
I seek a comparable mechanism by which government can provide just the necessary degree of intervention and protection to small business.
On the left hand side of Waldseemüller's map are the remaining 90 degrees necessary to make up the 360.
In practice, the number "Z" we have described could be determined to the necessary degree of accuracy as follows.
Still, some humans weren't suitable and never would be; due to one reason or another they couldn't manage the necessary degree of control.