Various publications list necessary competencies for intercultural communication.
Bachelor of Science in Food Technology - equips students with necessary competencies in the scientific handling and processing of foods, both in commercial and small-scale industries.
The people concerned need opportunities to develop the necessary competencies to ensure effective intra- and interagency communication.
Some organizations may lack the necessary technical or operational competencies to conform to the architecture and provide the core services.
And it should set about building the necessary competencies.
With the expansionism and technical developments resulting from external exploration, conquest, defence, colonisation, and exploitation, between the 16th and 18th centuries, the range of necessary competencies must have increased enormously.
There are financial reporting, project documents, and other competencies necessary for the correct management of public funds.
But I suspect that Alan Johnson, untried though he is in this domain, will develop the necessary competencies reasonably quickly.
It is your opportunity to provide evidence to demonstrate that you possess the necessary key competencies.
In addition, study program provides necessary competencies for performing the duties of an engineer in military aviation.