He said the police told him that the activities he described were not necessarily illegal.
The practice is not necessarily illegal, but must be disclosed to shareholders.
On the other hand, file sharing is not necessarily illegal, even if the works being shared are covered by copyright.
A squeeze, which forces some traders to pay very high premiums to borrow the securities they want, is not necessarily illegal.
While the loans were not necessarily illegal, their propriety was questionable.
Backdating options is not necessarily illegal, but the practice can raise serious accounting, disclosure and tax issues.
Tax avoidance isn't necessarily illegal, as you will learn on the pages that follow.
Prior to 1984, it was not necessarily illegal to produce a competing chip with an identical layout.
In North America, paying money for interviews, although not necessarily illegal, is generally frowned upon.
It isn't necessarily illegal, but it must be disclosed under federal securities law.