Humans have not necessarily evolved to become better athletes, experts said, but they have learned to make better use of their abilities.
But for most very active investors, enthrallment with the stock market doesn't necessarily evolve into an obsession.
"We are exposing our brains to an environment and asking them to do things we weren't necessarily evolved to do," he said.
It's not that the city birds are necessarily evolving to sing different songs, Dr. Slabbekoorn said.
In De la nature, published in 1761, Nature was not God, but necessarily and eternally evolved from Divine essence.
Except the third step, the staged reading, did not necessarily evolve from the first two.
DJBooth.Net was left believing that D.N.A. represents Mario "expanding as a musician, but not necessarily evolving."
As decades pass, a doctrine resting on this cavalier notion of science will necessarily evolve in response to changing cultural and ideological fashions.
It will necessarily evolve in that process.
The pollen hadn't necessarily evolved to be soporific; it was probably a side effect of something else, an unpredictable interaction with human metabolism.