The Latin plural gerundive 'referenda', meaning 'things to be referred', necessarily connotes a plurality of issues.
It does not necessarily connote shouting, unlike the Filipino Sigaw or Sigao.
But they never choose imported fabric that screams India or China, just as their own cotton does not necessarily connote Egypt.
This does not necessarily connote by any means in the minds of the subcommittee, or in my own, that this was negligent.
Whatever "outdoor" stands for in the title of the show, it should be clear that it doesn't necessarily connote relaxation.
Although chapels frequently refer to Christian places of worship, they are also commonly found in Jewish synagogues and do not necessarily connote a specific denomination.
Essentially, the ability to make uranium power plants does not necessarily connote the ability to make nuclear weapons, although it is pretty much a necessary precondition.
The phrase does not necessarily connote a fallacy.
Hyperperformance at one kind of calculation doesn't necessarily connote high intelligence.
He conceded that "muhajid" means "brother who fights for Islam," and does not necessarily connote physical fighting.