Within the light, a nebulous form emerged.
Tales of their ability to change into trees and nebulous forms ran amok through the villages.
Even in her nebulous form, the Goddess of Magic easily completed the complicated gestures and spoke the incantation necessary for the spell.
The pain, even in her nebulous form, had been horrifying.
For a moment, he thought he saw a shadow--a dark, nebulous form which moved and took shape by the bed.
There, where he had been in the grip of the monster, a bright nebulous form was seen, which suddenly attenuated.
The Fakir resistance began in nebulous form in 1760 and gathered momentum in 1763.
This one was neither woman nor spider, but rather a nebulous form reminiscent of the nature of the Void.
He described how artists had freed themselves from the 'subject-image' as a pretext to work from the 'subjectless-image' (nebulous forms) until they came together.
The images known from the natural world combined with those nebulous forms were made 'spiritually human'.