Already, it seemed, she could see the nebulous figure of King Carolin riding into Hali on this splendid horse.
Cor laughed as he answered him and Annis suddenly felt 124 scared; Jake's mother, until that moment a nebulous figure in the safely distant future, was here, waiting for her.
The nebulous figure had come aboard his ship, converted an entire Warrior deck for his personal use, yet still remained elusive and impossible to see.
Still, one nebulous figure clung to his left extremity.
Three glowing nebulous figures at the foot of the bed, welling with rosy tears.
No nebulous figure hovered in the room, and some psychic sense told me that her body was completely empty.
As if in reply, there was a swirling in the water, and the nebulous figure of Hades appeared just above its surface.
In Albanian popular belief they are whitish, nebulous figures who dwell under the earth.
Mr. bin Laden, who is said to be living in Afghanistan, remains a nebulous figure.
He had until now been a nebulous figure, vague as to feature and voice, but now he bore a striking resemblance to Mr. van Houben.