I told her, in a note, not to ask how the chain between the rings had been so neatly severed.
The watch falls off, and comes away in her left hand, its vinyl band neatly severed.
He threw it suddenly, and a palm trunk was neatly severed.
He severed both neatly, the disar-ticulation causing him no problem.
It was neatly severed and there was no trace of blood.
The wire binding me to the wine-bin was neatly severed in half.
The next, his head was rolling down the passageway, neatly severed by a blade that came flashing from the wall!
The paw was missing, severed neatly, leaving the leg to end in a bloody stump.
Most of the cluster was severed neatly without a scratch on the mage's scalp.
Her arm had been neatly severed above the elbow, and the wound cauterized with a single sweep of the instrument.