The tale of his "solving" the Gordian knot neatly demonstrates this.
As Marburger neatly demonstrates, it seems it's possible to spin any science policy so that it can appear as a positive for science in general.
Yet despite the contemporary backdrop, traditional themes prevail; Binchy neatly demonstrates that love, not money, is ultimately what binds a family.
As Mr. Pitt neatly demonstrated, this wholly square fashion load works best when it is offset by a trim physique and tailoring to match.
But an artist he is, as this wildly amusing and often touching collection of his large-format Polaroid photographs - which he began taking in 1979 - neatly demonstrates.
But it is a valuable document of his earliest playing, and it neatly demonstrates his dramatic range: fiery in Rachmaninoff's A-minor Prelude (Op.
This neatly demonstrates the Racal approach which has produced Vodafone: invest heavily in value-added services whose growth can compensate for difficulties in traditional product areas.
Elsewhere, Marilyn Krysl neatly demonstrates her versatility.
A middle-class couple in Mexico City neatly demonstrates how differently the law is viewed from both sides of the Rio Grande.
But as Mr. Bronfman neatly demonstrates, these two reclamations attest to the range of the young composer's quest for his own voice.