The two grotto shows - they cost $250 a person, with a portion of the proceeds supporting the festival - neatly combine culture with the area's reputation for adventure travel.
Between 1982 and 1985 James Davison Hunter, a sociologist, conducted surveys showing that students at nine top Christian liberal arts colleges and seven major evangelical seminaries neatly combine faith with flexibility.
The Ethel Bishop hypothesis neatly combines the stories that she was a schoolteacher or that she was a prostitute in one person.
It neatly combined her love of children with her enjoyment of dance.
In 1945, he wrote a short piece neatly combining many of his interests in "Some Physicians-Real and Fictional-in French Literature," which appeared in the MLA Bulletin.
Brothers Luke and Mark Tomlinson, James Beim and Malcolm Borwick combined neatly for England in a dominant third chukka with four unanswered goals.
The immensity of the social problems, such as drug abuse, at which the various proposals are addressed seems to combine neatly with the politics of both major parties.
Now, however, an elegant theory has been proposed that neatly combines both conflicting ideas into a single mechanism.
One Western artist neatly and nicely combines the best of Morocco and Europe in her vibrant work.
Some earthquake Web sites are a natural fit for the medium, neatly combining the original purpose of the Internet (linking scientists together) with the advantages of the Web (presenting information in a broadly accessible way).