The other half should be neatly coiled and taped for the moment.
Lying on the ground, neatly coiled, was something stronger and far more useful to his purpose.
Two small wires, neatly coiled, were attached to one end of the cylinder.
There was some rope a few feet away, neatly coiled, and in half an hour at the most the Calypsos would be on board.
The other son was puffing in the rope and neatly coiling it.
That too had its ropes neatly coiled, but had not been moved for months.
Its cable was neatly coiled, and the powerpack showed full charge.
She was delicate and pretty, thin hair neatly coiled.
In the, corner, the water hose was still neatly coiled, completely unused.
She sat like a small spruce viper, neatly coiled opposite him.