It's a neat reversal on Kelly's final appearance in jeans and loafers.
Then, thanks to Speed's neat reversal of the route, the pursuit was ended.
That's a neat reversal: in the early 1990's, during the short-lived controversy over "Murphy Brown," it was the politically correct types who were defending single motherhood.
In a neat reversal, he plays hard to get.
This was a neat reversal, since the usual complaint about major labels is the exact opposite: they spend too much money marketing and promoting bands like Linkin Park.
He thus executed a neat Oedipal reversal of the biblical "in my Father's house are many mansions."
Sunshine Village claims '100% natural snow', a neat reversal of the usual snowmaking hype.
What has happened as a result is a neat dialectical reversal.
Now Mr. Liman, whom the heralds had cast as the hard guy, played Mr. Nields's expected role - a neat and surprising reversal.
This neat reversal leaves feminists responsible for "finding" this rape crisis and cynically using it for broader political purposes.