He was tall, dark and dapper, a 19-year-old welder with a neat goatee and long sideburns who had crossed the border from Mexico in 1998.
The thin guy with curly brown hair and a neat goatee flashed a brief grin at Herz.
The viewer filled with the image of a Starfleet captain- a swarthy man with a neat dark goatee.
Coffee-light skin, dark hair, neat goatee with soul patch, big smile with lots of teeth.
Mr. Zamora, 28, with a neat goatee and the aura of European sophistication, arrives.
Late thirties, tall, nicely built, neat little goatee and wavy brown hair on the long side.
In the most recent image he'd had a neat goatee, but it had spread into a ragged brush in the past month.
He had a well-trimmed mustache that grew down around his small pursed mouth into an equally neat goatee.
They have embraced Randolph's consent to wear neat goatees.
Now it was rare, but seeing the bearded women reminded Chris of his own childhood, when his mother had worn a neat goatee.