Even though it was far from the nearest railroad, he established a successful stock farm where he raised registered shorthorn cattle.
The nearest railroad is a dozen miles away.
The nearest railroad crossing over the Hudson is 140 miles north of the city in Selkirk, just south of Albany.
The new town struggled due to its isolated location with the nearest railroad being fifty miles away.
Many of those who visited the site had walked from the nearest railroad or bus station.
The nearest railroad is in Uberaba.
Despite the name, the nearest railroad is 39 miles (62 km) east and 52 miles (84 km) west.
The nearest paved road was then 400 miles away; the nearest railroad, 100 miles.
The nearest railroad was 102 miles away.
The nearest railroad was nearly a hundred miles to the eastward, and all supplies must be freighted in by mule and ox teams.